So to the right is a late paintbrush. But what was that flower to the left? September 1 at 7000 feet in Mount Assiniboine Park, BC. I first thought from the overall flower shape and rocky location, that this flower might have been a phaceillia, but the leaves suggest something entirely different. I would love to know!
Wow! Excellent! Thanks so much. This one is very new to me and it is great to still be discovering new flowers in the alpine. Actually, while I said this was at 7000 feet, it was more likely at some elevation just over 8000 feet, I now realize. This fits with what is written about Saussurea nuda online. So are these common in the Ukraine? It was the only one I noticed on this particular hike.
S.nuda is not listed for Ukraine. And as I remember I have never seen even those Saussurea species which I see listed, so the genus is not that common here.
It seemed common enough on Mt. Gass, but I don't often get into high elevation Rockies to give you a broader perspective.