Today I moved two aloe plants from a cactus bowl to their individual pots. I wonder what aloes they are, and more importantly, are they supposed to be this color (I thought aloes were all green--I forgot how they looked before). I hope they are not dead! Thanks!
Thank you. Is there any hope to revive these aloes? They were in a cactus bowl with a bunch of other succulents. The rainbow bush grew very big and took over the whole bowl, and so I overlooked the aloes and other plants. :(
Under good conditions the new leaves will eventually emerge a nice healthy green again. It will take some time though.
definitely lack of proper lighting! they should recover - it will take some time though. i wouldn't do a drastic change in their light level - increase the amount of light they are receiving gradually over a two or three week period.
They were outdoors for the last two years. We are in Southern California, so there's plenty of sunlight. I was thinking taking them indoors by the big window to nurse them back to health. Or should I leave them outdoors, in some partial shade?
oh, i made that comment based on the thought that the rainbow bush overshadowed it and i didn't want you to shock them by putting them in direct sunlight after being shaded for a long time! actually, on further thought - some succulents will redden if they get too much sun...that may be the case here. they actually look like they are growing well and are healthy - it's just the unusual coloring that makes it seem like there's something wrong. i'd keep them outside if that's what they are used to.
They look a whole lot like my full sun Aloe arborescens, (colourwise at least, since I absolutely agree with the IDs) which redden significantly when it's sunny here. It seems to take about 3-4 weeks of shade (read rainy season) for the colour to return to green, but it doesn't seem to hurt them any to be red. I actually find it quite attractive.
Just to follow up.... Not yet 20 days later, this aloe juvenna is gradually turning back green, and even produced flowers! All I did was to moved it to a new pot, from full sun to partial sun, and kept it well-watered. The other aloe (vera) is still mostly red though.