REF: The Maple Society Newsletter, Winter 2017 On page 10 Peter Gregory's article mentions a specific plant and its source, so I offer a snapshot of the plant today. 1985.2550 A Acer sinopurpurascens, planted 1989; location FD400 (Front Drive), J37 R23 (GPS 38037 23623). On BG-Base (the Garden's data base) the plant was coded Male on 21APR2005 by the botanist at that time Allen J Coombes. Measured height in metres: JAN1995=4, NOV2000=6.4, OCT2002=7.3, JUL 2007=9.3, MAR2009=9.4,SEP2010=10.3. Its form is rather different from the Hugh Angus cover photo at Batsford Arboretum, a single stem becoming three or four at chest height with leaf in the top half. It is in flower now, flowers looking as per those just posted by Emery. I have four images of the plant in my Windows photos but don't know how to give them URLs.
When writing a message, click on the second button in the bottom left of the page (Post reply - Upload a file - More options...) A new window will open. Select the path to the photos on your computer. It will upload automatically (you can select several at the same time). Once uploaded, a thumbnail will appear under the three buttons mentioned above. Click on "Thumbnail", a link will be inserted in your message. Then "Post reply".
@AlainK, good documentation writing! I was going to include what you said in the writeup under Help: Attach photos and files, but I see that it already says pretty much the same thing. There is a video there too, though, so you can just post that link when people need help.
My thanks to AlainK and my apologies for the delay in getting the remaining three pictures posted. All four were taken at the same time, and with hindsight I can see it was beginner's luck - I had not planned the timing so was lucky it was flowering, and the following week the leaves were dominant.