I found it while I was walking today and I have no clue what it is. It seemed to be growing like an ivy vine or a strangler vine, with trendels holing onto another plant for support. It had no thorns and the most berries I saw growing in a cluster was maybe five or six. But it went up all the way up a thirty or fourty foot pine tree. There were holly bushes and other stranglers in that patch as well and most of the leaves on this particular plat had dry spots and holes on them, especially notible on the back of the leaf. What is this thing?
I forgot to add that the berries are fairly firm yet yeilds under some pressure. It feels to be hollow of filled with water. And their sort of a dark purple or maybe black. I thought so as well, Saltcedar, but the information I found said large clusters, not small. Unless the semi-dry growing season had something to do with it...
That's it! Thanks bunches (haha... punny). I just found another wild fruit I can eat and make pies and such out of.