Hello, this is my first posting and hope I do things right. I founf this plant in the bush while walking along a trail. Many like this are growing there. I dug one up and planted this one in our cottage garden. Can somebody identify it for me?
Thank you for your quick reply. Is this considered a wild flower? I used the name you send me to search the internet and found many websites from the UK. Is there a place one could find more information as to the origin of this plant?
It is native to Europe. USDA's Germplasm Resources Information Network gives the following distribution: http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?104912 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh's Flora Europaea gives a much broader distribution range: http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/cgi-bin...&SPECIES_XREF=moschata&TAXON_NAME_XREF=&RANK=