Last summer this plant showed up in my garden and developed into a mound of leaves coming out from the ground (no stalk) but this spring it has started out by growing these 3' stalks with white flowers. The flowers just started opening this week but most of the stalks have already been beaten down by the rains. Normally I pull things out that just 'show up', really, but I guess I took a fancy to this one. Now I'm trying to determine if I fancy it in the compost pile instead. Thanks!
Ah, from it says, "First-year plants are basal rosettes with green heart-shaped leaves (1-6 inches tall). Second-year plants produce a 1-4 foot tall flowering stalk with small, white flowers.", and that has indeed been its behavior. As the rosette it was kind of nice looking, I thought. Good to know before the seeds start spreading that it has to go. Thanks.
That'd be the best place for most of it, but you might also want to try the tender young leaves in a salad bowl. It's edible, and if you like the garlic flavour, quite nice.
Bill or George or John.........anything but Sue!!! Agree with garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata. Its a weed indeed but edible too!!