Hi...hope someone can help with ids. EDIT: you folks are AWESOME and FAST! Some of these have frustrated me for years! Thank you woodschmoe, Sundrop, Tyrlych, Andry, Silversurfer 1. IDENTIFIED: Scilla siberica (Siberian Squill) 2. IDENTIFIED: Glandora prostrata aka Lithodora diffusa (-) 3. IDENTIFIED: Lobularia maritima (Sweet Alyssum) 4. IDENTIFIED: Leycesteria formosa (Himalayan Honeysuckle) 5. IDENTIFIED: Erysimum cheiranthoides (Treacle-mustard) 6. IDENTIFIED: Weigela (-) 7. IDENTIFIED: Anemone nemorosa 'Vestal' () 8. IDENTIFIED: Anemone blanda (-)
2. Lithodora diffusa. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=l...mw0QW_oIDQCQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=967 7. Agree Anemone nemorosa. Could be Anemone nemorosa Vestal. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=a...4sbRBaGUgJgJ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=967
Thank you so much! I was never able to figure this one out! Thank you! The squill and weigela are definitely correct- they have been stumping me for years 5 appears to be correct...7 does appear to be an anemone- thank you :)
oh gosh- I didn't see it- thanks Andrey! and everyone else who helped (in my defense I will say that my eyes are really tired after editing about 15, 000 photos the past two weeks)
In a nutshell, the common plant sold as Lithodora diffusa, is really Glandora prostrata, while true Lithodora diffusa is not cultivated, and is properly called Glandora diffusa. http://www.arthurleej.com/p-o-m-April13.html