Hi All: This is a seedling I can't identify - about 4 inches tall currently. Glossy leaves; firm to touch. That's a 3/4" drip tape next to it. Thanks, Randy Benson in Southern California
I wish I knew as well - I had a much larger one but I never was able to get an ID. Reminds me a bit of Ash (Fraxinus spp) but I've never seen leaves quite like that (apart from Ilex spp.) Maybe Ron B or Daniel someone will know.
Reminds me of Schinus terebinthifolius. The serrate leaves would be found only on very immature growth.
Huh. I've never seen seedling S. terebithifolia, just mature ones... How are you accounting for the pinnate nature? What I've seen of other Schinus spp seedlings is that the leaves start out single and serrate, and become smooth and pinnate as the tree matures?
Sorry, don't know, but the leaves are alternate, so definitely not an ash. The serration is also wrong for Mahonia.
I think David in LA has it - I googled on Schinus terebinthifolius seedling and figure 1 of this link http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/FW037 looks very like it. I pulled up the dense lower growth and the cotyledon was curved the same on both margins, similar to figure 1, albeit slightly shorter. Thanks all.