Here are 3 more plants I can't ID. First (two photos) is a perennial that I've just forgotten white creamy white bushy flowers at top. Japanese beetles love them. I hate the Japanese beetles! Second is a fast spreading plant I got at a swap. White flowers. Third is a plant that is taking over, w/ maroon leaves in spring that turn lighter with green and small yellow flowers. 4 ft. or higher. Would anyone like some? Merci Bouquet!
1./2. Looks like Filipendula. 3. Know it,just can't think of name! 4. Looks like Lysimachia ciliata. See....
1./2. Possible Filipendula palmata. See...
Thank you so much Luddite - you are correct on all three. I guess I'll have to get rid of the "bouncing bet". Imagine that, I got a noxious weed at a perennial swap. I do like the flowers though. It really is painful to find out when a plant is considered an invasive species and it's one you love. I've had to dig up several in the past few years and though it might sound crazy, it hurts to kill them. Glad my purple fringed loosestrife is a cultivar of a native species. I've got plenty and could give some away if anyone would like!
Thank you Luddite for providing yet another really good plant database website: I'll be checking that one out for sure! Cate