Hi again, I've done some homework, tried to ID the plants. So far, you people here have always been helpful and I believe this time it won't be any different;) 1) Achillea millefolium 2) Geranium phaeum 3) Melittis melissophyllum 4) Some sort of Euphorbia? 5) ??? (all I know is it smells quite unpleasant) 6) ??? thanks!!!
Hi Lettuce .5. Looks like Geranium robertianum. Common name Herb Robert. It has a horrid pong, once you smell it you won't forget it .
2. Yes. It is Geranium phaeum. You ought to try honing your identification skill with Lila's latest stumper.I'm stuck.
1. looks like Anthriscus sp. (A. sylvestris?) 3. OK 4. OK 6. Buglossoides sp. (B. purpureo-coeruleum?)
ok, thanks, I'll look into details regarding 1 and 6. The rest fits, except Euphorbia on photo 4. Hopefully, someone will determine the species.
4. Euphorbia are difficult without a good close up of the flower.It looks a bit like our E.amygdaloides robbiae.
if I'm not mistaken, E.amygdaloides and my unidentified Euphorbia have different leaf shape? (comparison photo provided)