HI I seen this on a forum, and was curious myself The first two are identifyed HERE http://www.theburgessfam.com/index.php?itemid=54 As Solanum carolinense (horse nettle) I knew it, looked like Deadly night shade from the little stars above each berry but it wasn;'t in the genus atropa, but in the same family as horse nettle So I got mixxed up. (by the way I hear that deadly night shade leaves(with red berries) could be used for poisin Ivy rash, maybe good to mix with jewel weed or in place of if you can't find jewel weed) Crotalaria retusa http://tinyurl.com/5z3hoj The Poke weed also is lidentifyed On the forum I thought the one under poke weed looks like rosemary, I have some In My fridge with the purple flowers along the stem like it. I have A link from rosemary off of vascular images