Plants to identify and some to check.Thank you. Sorry there are so many on one thread i thought it would be easier like this. thank you. 1.Geranium sanguineum or cranesbill ? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Beta vulgaris 'Rhubarb Chard' ? 7. 8. 9.Phormium tenax ? 10. 11.Petunia mirage series 12.centaurea glastifolia ? 13.Tellima grandiflorum ?
Re: Plants to identify and some to check.Thank you. 4- Viola labradorica 7- Perilla frutescens crispa 8- Beta 9- Amaranthus 10- Chiastophyllum 11- Phormium 12- Helicrisum 13- Petunia
Re: Plants to identify and some to check.Thank you. 2. Aster... :) 4. could be an Allium schoenoprasum... but you have to taste it... 5. looks like Saxifraga sp. (S. x urbium?)
Re: Plants to identify and some to check.Thank you. Chiastophyllum has leaves in pairs not in rosettes. Would need to see the plant in bloom. There are many different plants that have rosettes like that.
Re: Plants to identify and some to check.Thank you. 1 & 2- geranium sanguineum (cranesbill geranium) 3-aster 5&6- Allium- probably chives or bunching onions 8-swiss chard 9-amaranth 10- kalanchoe blossfeldiana 12- Helichrysum bracteatum (strawflower) 13 & 14- petunia 15-centaura macrocephala (Yellow Knapweed, Armenian Basket Flower)
Re: Plants to identify and some to check.Thank you. #10 definitely is not Kalanchoe blossfeldiana nor any of the complex garden hybrids derived from it. They have leaves in pairs, the mystery plant definitely have leaves spirally arranged in rosettes. No species of Kalanchoe would be cold hardy in London. The plant looks somewhat like a Lewisia cotyledon hybrid but cannot be sure until it blooms.
Re: Plants to identify and some to check.Thank you. Part duplicate thread. Already answered. See...
Re: Plants to identify and some to check.Thank you. I'm not seeing a Chiastophyllum or Lewisia. There is a picture of a Saxifraga hirsuta or S. x urbium type, something I mentioned on the other thread - along with the fact that the purple-leaved violet is properly V. riviniana 'Purpurea'. V. labradorica is a tiny violet from the far north, perhaps not in cultivation.