I work at a children's garden and we were given several plants that are supposed to be edible wild greens. I am unable to id them with my resources and would like some help. I don't want to plant these unless I know what they are and if they really are edible. I also am very careful that I have accurate information on the sign of each plant. The top row pics 1-3 the lady who donated them said were called "crow's foot". I can't find anything that looks like it. She did not have flower info but according to another member of our garden flowers should be yellow. Pic 4 and the others she called "carpenter's square". The best I could find was Scrophularia nodosa. The root section grows horizontal and looks almost like a rhizome. The stem is square with very hard corners. Flowering on this plant is also unknown. The leaves are not shiny but slightly rough. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Interesting!! a geranium is one of the options I found but couldn't find that stem and leaf combination exactly. It is definitely not rhubarb. I am from rhubarb country and know it well. I will have to research the geranium more. Maybe I didn't get deep enough. Thanks tipularia.