Thank you again, although you say you're not an expert, I always appreciate the help. I visited Japan 4 years ago and fell in love with the...
Thank you for your reply sea witch, The winter was very mild, I'm in Hamilton Ontario. Most days were above seasonal and we didn't get that...
Hi everyone, i've posted here in the past. I have a kwanzen cherry tree and it's been in my backyard for 3 years now. It's always been very...
I appreciate the help ron and know you are one the most knowledgeable ones on the site, i'm wondering about trees after the winter though, since...
Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've posted a question about my tree. Well, i planted it about 7 months ago and so far it seems to be healthy...
hi everyone, winter break in 3 weeks so hopefully i can be on a lot more. Any news hbl or penny? Hope your all looking forward to christmas
that sounds great hbl, really excited, i'd love to plant a magnolia tree in my backyard next spring :) About the seeds, it's really nice that...
No problem at all hbl, thanks for the update. Maybe in a month :) I'm excited...especially for that magnolia tree.
Good things we can talk still lol, did any of my seeds pop yet hbl? Not sure how long its been :P
Forgot to add also, HBL, how are your seeds coming along? I realize that mine still need 1-3 more additional months, which is no problem what so...
That's a good point penny. About two weeks ago shearme, but i didn't send anything i dont have extras too. I'll go to the post office this...
Hi everyone, wow i've been away for a long time :( Shearme did you ever get your seeds? let me know, havent heard feedback from you, if not i...
aphids are bad claudia, they'll chew them up in no time, you'll want to get rid of them asap. I don't know too much on removing them, but i...