I have seen nothing on hoyashear,so i would like some input on propagation.
Dale1,I germanated some baobab seeds once and the place I got them had instructions,it said to file down one part of the seed,i did this years ago...
I dont remember if it has bloomed or not,i just recently got back in to my plants.I'll watch it closely and it's been in that pot for years but...
Mark the Phytolacca is about 6 -7" at the base and thye Euforbia Trigona is 6-7' tall but that Foqueria is a Euforbia (crown of thorns).I have...
Heres that foto,it's in a 12" pot.
Try a small artist paint brush next time. Cool plant btw.
Yes here hhtp://seedrack.com/01.html
If the plant is hanging down quite a ways it is the weight of the plant that causes it and if not maybe it needed watering.If it was mine i would...
Yes it does lok like Euphorbia Trigona I have agreen and red varietys.If I may add do not get the sap on your hands it is a very strong poison and...
I'll put in a foto as soon as I can right now the plant has rooted itself into the ground through the pot and my greenhouse is too full to get a...
Thank youthat first pic is it but mine is much bigger.
I have many jades i just can't throw away any limbs that fall off,actually 100's.
Hey mark,I had a pachypodium lamerei,it was 42 inches tall and it had 9 side shoots.One cold winter the electric and gas both went off and i lost...
Beautiful plant ...how old?