Thanks, I'll look them up. I sure hope that one doesn't get blight because it's so beautiful.
Hi, My sister took a picture of a tree at Spicer Garden at Nakusp, BC. I'm stumped by the leaves and the little curling tendrils. I thought it...
Okay, that's great to know. I've heard different things about that and people thinking their roses would revert to something else. I appreciate...
Geez, I'll have to go check. I know that raspberries and roses are the same family so I guess all kinds of weird things may happen.
That could be. Generally our nurseries don't sell anything that isn't hardy but I'm thinking if the person got it from a big box store or...
Thanks. I went out tonight and there are weird formations. You know how raspberries are made of a bunch of little ball like pouches of fruit....
Thank you! Since these were tiny white blossoms then they are probably raspberries. I'm going to watch for fruit to form now.
Will do, thanks for the help!
They are not forming raspberries though. Perhaps I just need to wait a month or so to find out if they are fruit bearing.
Yes, you are right, it is a Rosa Rugosa in Pic 1. Do rose suckers have little white blossoms in spring though?
Help! I inherited these brambly suckers or raspberries with our property. It would be an odd place for anyone to plant raspberries because there...
Your welcome, I hope it turns out to be right !
I'm not an expert in any sense but could this be a Rhexia Mariana? I am attaching a comparison picture to view. This is an interesting flower...