austrian pine?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by pearlshirl, Mar 28, 2005.

  1. pearlshirl

    pearlshirl Member

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    I have a slow growing tree in a large container which I have had for about six years.
    I was told at the time of purchase that it was a patio tree and was called either Austrian or Austrailian Pine. The tree seemed to be doing good in the container until just recently I noticed the leaves are turning yellow, some have some brown on them and some are dropping off. I am not sure quite what to do, fertilize or what? I also am not sure of it's name as I have gone on the internet and found Austrian Pines, however this tree does not look any thing like the ones pictured. The tree is evergreen, has long sort of droopy branches with very broad needles. If you could help me to identify it and advise me how to treat it,I would be very happy. This tree was my husbands favorite tree, sadly he has passed away. He always told me if we ever moved that that tree had to go with us. So I put it in a large container. It was purchased here at a garden center on Vancouver Island and planted in our yard. When I dug it up, it had a small root ball, no long roots. The person we purchased it from said it was a Patio tree and could be kept in a container. Your help in identifying this tree would be greatly appreciated.
    I recently found a picture of a tree that is very similar to mine. It's leaves are narrow,then widen out and narrow to a point. The name of the tree I found was "Plum Pine,Brown Pine" (Podocarpus Elatus). The leaves look the same however my tree gets no berries or cones. Could this be the tree? I'd appreciate any ideas.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2005
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Sure be great if you could post a photo. If it is a true pine (Pinus) the oldest leaves on the inside are supposed to age, discolor and drop periodically.
  3. pearlshirl

    pearlshirl Member

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    Thanks for your reply Ron B.

    I do not have a picture at the moment of the tree. I could possibly get one soon. The tree is very slow growing and is only about seven feet high from bottom of trunk to the top. I should also have mentioned that there are no branches at all for about three feet or more up above the ground level. It is in a container for the patio. The leaves that are turning yellow are in different spots on the branches (ex. ends of branches, middle of some etc.) I have just tried fertilizing it to see if that helps. If you have any further advice I would sure appreciate it.

  4. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Maybe eriophyid mites.

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