I started my ZZ plant about 4 years ago from a clipping. I water it about once a month. I've never had a problem with it until now. The leaves on one stems have all turned yellow. This is first stem that grew 4 years ago. I've attached photos so you can see what I mean. I love my ZZ and any help I can get will be appreciated. By the way, should I cut this stem off? If so, is there a proper way to cut it? Thank you. ps. Oh by the way, I don't keep it near the fireplace. I just set it there to take the pic.
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ plant) Aroid Mine had done the same thing with one of the smaller shoots (might have just been old/seasonal change) and I cut it off leaving the fat bulb in the soil. Now I'm just hoping a new shoot will eventually grow from it, but it might take a long time. Nothing yet, I've been waiting for many months. Otherwise, your ZZ looks good!
Bluewing is right, an aroid. If you move this post over there, you might get some expert advice. But looks OK to me Ed
Bluewing & Ed. Thank you both for your reply. Bluewing, I cut it off and left the bulb. Thanks, so you think it could be just a seasonal change? I wonder why the whole plant doesn't turn yellow. Ed, I moved it. Hope I did it right. lol Thank you both. Lily
The one plant that I noticed seasonal changes in is my pothos. It's never a lot of leaves that yellow, maybe three or four, and only at this time of year and that's it, so it's not ALL leaves that are effected by the lower light:>)
Hi Bluewing, I love this forum as it has been very helpful to me many times over. I'm glad to hear that I shouldn't expect all my leaves to turn yellow. I nearly stopped breathing when I saw the color change. My ZZ has been my pride and joy. I've even started 2 other plants from a couple of leaf clippings and they are growing beautifully so far. Thanks again for helping me with this. Lily
ZZ plant (Zamioculcas) 1 YEAR FOLLOWUP to yellowing leaves. Just thought some ZZ plant lovers might like an update. It's been nearly a year since I posted about the leaves turning yellow on my ZZ Plant. Well they all didn't turn yellow just that one little branch. The rest of the year it grew bigger and more beautiful. The other day I noticed some of the leaves turning yellow once again and about the same time as last year. I believe it has to be the seasonal change like Bluewing suggested. This time I just snipped off the 3 or 4 of the leaves that were turning yellow. If anymore turn yellow, I'll just cut the stem off and leave the bulb. ~ Thankyou Bluewing!