Hi all, I am researching alternative types of grass for lawns -- for those who still want a lawn look and feel but want to reduce water, fertilizer, mowing and environmental impacts. Has anyone actually tried a zoysia grass lawn here in Vancouver, V. Island or surrounding islands? How has it done? Any idea who might supply the plugs locally? Thank you, Wynn
Zoysia is a warm-climate grass, and won't grow well in a cool oceanic climate. You'd do a lot better with Lolium perenne (Perennial Ryegrass), though note that this is fairly coarse (it's what is used for sports pitches over here), and may be considered an invasive alien plant where you are. Best of all would be to investigate PNW-native grasses.
I have it here in Philadelphia. It's quite invasive. In fact, my lawn was terrible when I first purchased the house, but since then, my neighbors Zoysia has spread to my lawn and literally took it over. It even chokes out the weeds. The only downfall is, it's tough on the bare feet. Stays green about six months here, and needs less mowing. I like it.
I found a reference on the Champlain Heights community website (in Vancouver BC) and they've had success with it here. Don't know about local suppliers, though.
I live in Maryland and I have tried it. I planted Zoysia grass that I got from here in Maryland at zoysia farms nurseries in taneytown, originally to try to get a consistent lawn. My yard had been made up of a variety of grasses and weeds. The first year it was in, I could see that the Zoysia was overtaking the existing mess. Within the next, the original, inconsistent lawn was completely replaced with a consistent green carpet, almost like a golf course. The company I used can ship the plugs anywhere in the US because my sister in texas recommended it to me.