I garden near Sechelt on the Sunshine Coast and get lots of sun as the garden faces SW. Is it possible to grow edible ginger in this area of BC? Thanks
i was curious about your question - so I googled this simple phrase "growing ginger in BC" and several results come up incl one from this board in 2008 Abbotsford. it seems like growing it in a pot is the best method for the coast http://www.bcliving.ca/garden/ginger-in-a-snap http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=42474 ---- good info from Abbotsford - read to the bottom of the thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GEkKQEdzpw
Thanks for doing the research. Am going to plant both in a sheltered spot in the garden and in a pot. I had never thought about eating the leaves but if I am lucky enough to get some I'm going to give that a try too. Thanks again. Margaret
hi there - I think someone makes a point somewhere in that research - to use a black pot - just one of those nursery black pots - as it raises the heat I do my patio tomatoes that way - and my basil no car tires tho (that was the old way the old timers did potatos and tomatoes) at the coast. enjoy the long days.