I just fished what used to be a yucca elephantipe out of my boyfriend's building's garbage. There was a tall stalk and a shorter stalk. Both had dead yellow leaf heads, but I ripped them all off. When I pinched the shorter stalk, it completely collapsed, it was totally rotten all the way through. The taller stalk seems to be in better shape, not great, but hey, not made of powder either. Is there ANYTHING I can do for this plant, or did I just lug home a stick in the dirt for no reason? Thanks for your help again, guys.
Its sounds like it is rotting, as you suggest. Maybe try feeling down the main stalk until it feels more firmer and less mushy. Then cut it off there, and you might get new growth. Good luck!! Ed
When I went to remove the shorter stalk (the two were VERY potbound), the bottom of the taller one snapped off. I'm going to saw the tall one into a few sections and hope for the best. It might be rotten all the way through, it's hard to tell. There is definately a gap between the cane's bark and core, through they both seem sturdy. The bark looks healthy, but the core's looking brown, I'm not sure what colour they normally look. Keep your fingers crossed for this one, folks.
Yucca elephantipes? You sure did lug it home and stuck it in dirt for no valid reason. From what you describe, it is too far gone to save. You should have left it in the garbage bin. If it makes you feel better, you should read it its last rights before throwing it out.