I got this plant a few days ago and it seems to be dying already. I suspect either over- or underwatering but I'm not sure. The soil is wet so it shouldn't be suffering from a lack of water. Some of the leaves also seem to show evidence of overwatering. The strange thing is that other leaves seem to be drying out (?). Very puzzling. Lack of sunlight may also be a problem. What do you guys think? A picture can be found here: http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/9517/yucca6cv.jpg
Many plants look dry when they're drowning. Yucca is a succulent and likes to get quite dry between waterings, plus every bit of sun you can dredge up, for up to 15 hrs a day would be appreciated. They grow in the SW of the U.S. and it can be hard to replicate the right conditions.
It also occurs to me that it might need repotting, could be rootbound, but if you do it, don't use peat in the mix, but lots of grit so it'll be fast draining.
Hmm well in that case it's probably overwatering given that the soil isn't dry. I'll let it dry out and get it some extra light. Hopefulyl that'll help.