Hello to everybody, I've got a large yucca plant. I bought it about 15 years ago as a house plant; but for the past 5 years its lived outside in a giant pot happily until last year. Last year spring it was looking very sorry for its self so when I investigaged, it had root just bellow its top leafs. But under neath where lots of what looked like new shoots. so I chopped the top off. All these new shoot are thriveing. Now my problem is the yucca plant stands about 5'5" and really needs planting in the ground like the other one I have, unfortunatly I have no where to put it. I don't want to get ride of it becasue of sentimental reasons. What do I do can I take the shoots from the top and see if they grow or if I cut the top off what will happen? can anybody help. thanks lesley
There are a few way to clone yuccas. You can simply cut one of the lower leaves, let the cut end dry over, and apply rooting hormone or such. You can do the same thing to a stem (would probably be more succesful). Third. you might be able to take a root cutting, probably the fastest way to regenerate the plant, although I'm not sure how succesful that is with yucca.
Very successful, actually. When we propagate ours, we just plant out old leaves or cut the trunk into sections and plant those. Root cutting is faster, but it can hurt an established plant. I'm assuming, of course, that you're talking about the tallish, blade-leafed succulent Yucca that has fragrant white blossoms and can be used as a shampoo ingredient, and not Cassava, which is also called Yucca here.
Hi thanks everybody for responding to my problem. Anyway I've planted the whole tree in the ground; but I'm still goig to have a try of that leaf cutting idea sounds interesting... Now I'm not sure what type of yucca they are. I bought them as house plants when they where only about 8" high. Andthey've never flowered. They have sharp pointy leafs that are like razors the trunks are about 10 to 15" round. 1 of them branches of in 4 directions and 2 of those brances have double heads. the other has 8 heads growing out at the top (this is the one I've just planted). If I can find out how to put some pic's of them on the site maybe someone will hopefully be able to name them. hope to hear from you all soon lesley m