I recently found out online that it was good to use urine mixed with water on your plants. I decided to put some of the concoction around the perimeter of my Rosemary Plant this morning. When I went out this evening I found this yellowish fungus growing around the inside of the planting pot.... Does anyone know what kind of fungus this might be and if it's harmful to the plant? Jeff
1. Why? Did what you read online not give any guidelines?! For one thing, urine should not be used to fertilize plants destined for human consumption. (It may be urine for trouble.) 2. Rosemary grown in reasonably good soil should not need much, if any, fertilizer. 3. Urine is mainly a source of nitrogen which rosemary should not need unless a deficiency becomes obvious, for example, if the plant looks pale green or growth is stunted. 4. The fact that the fungus appeared soon after the 'fertilizer' application is very likely co-incidental (even though it IS yellow.) 5. The fungus is unlikely to be harmful to the rosemary but you could scrape it off if you like. 6. Another possibility is that the growth inside the rim of the pot is not actually fungus but a precipitate of some sort . . .
In a New Post today, Darb has attached many photos from the North Shore including this one that, to me, looks a lot like the growth around the pot where the rosemary is growing. This is just a possible lead - I'm no expert on fungi.
ElJefe, can you tell us if your yellow growth has structure, firmness to the touch, or does it melt away, become watery when you touch it? - If the latter then more likely a slime mold per your idea Margot. - If it is firm then it is likely fungal and a closer shot would be helpful. cheers, frog