A discussion arose after we questioned the family in which Hemerocallis was placed. In the past UBCBG listed it as Liliaceae. In questioning Sean Graham (Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research and Dept. of Botany): "Hemerocallis is recognized under Xanthorrhoeaceae in the APG system (APGII, 2003), as you said, or optionally under Hemerocallidaceae (if you chose to recognize three families instead of one; the third family is Asphodelaceae). So, for labelling you can go either way, and it might result in less cognitive dissonance for old-schoolers if we recognize three families." We have chosen to recognize three individual family names: Xanthorrhoeaceae, Hemerocallidaceae and Asphodelaceae. Name changes are recorded in our plant records; however, labeling of individual plants may not reflect these changes until the completion of a subsequent inventory. Raakel
Keeping them separate is the more prudent choice. Nowadays Hemerocallidaceae includes Phormiaceae and Asphodelaceae includes Aloaceae. The two families are readily distinguished by their inflorescence, leaf arrangement, pollen and seeds.