I wasn't able to clean out the garden last year; it suddenly snowed and then just kept on almost daily all winter. So I was just cleaning up the old stalks & stuff and did a double take on last year's disappointing Brussel Sprouts. They weren't dead; they'd already started lil sprouts growing from the stem, and there was a decent sized head of 'cabbage' growing inside the wasted leaves of 'yesteryear'. This is prob'y known to all the garden gurus, but I think its really amazing- this all happened under the snow????
The early dump of snow probably insulated them over the winter. Now they are ready to finish growing. :)
thanks for the getbacks... Well, we don't get winters like Manitoba does, but we did have 0° F quite often and -20° windchills, a couple of full melts in January. (I think the 'disappointing growth' was due to my living in a woods with a couple gi-normous trees limiting the sunlight.) I definitely will be the first around here to be eating true garden veggies this year!