I agree that this is one of the jellies called Witch's butter - and I like Wendy Cutler's re-naming Witch's Apple Butter in the previous thread :-) - but not sure which one. Worth noting that one can sometimes be fooled by infected cherry tree sap, which looks a bit like this but less structure.
Feel rest assured as there is hardly one cherry tree in the whole Rmd Nature Park ! But I will take note to look for cherry trees the next time I find these in another location.
You must be right, as not one has been posted in our Richmond cherry blossoms thread, where you can find lots of locations. Or check the Neighbourhood Maps (click Search, select Richmond) for locations near you. And if you're looking for something to occupy your time in cherry blossom season and want to put as much energy into posting blossoms, that would be great.
Thanks. As I am mainly a bird shooter and resort to macro shots only because there are not much shootable/suitable birds now, the migratary birds only start to arrve. I used to haul 500mm lens on tripod. If I care to shoot blossom with these setup, that would be a very sorry day for bird shooting !