I recently acquired a Japanese Wisteria that I planted in a container to place on a porch. It seemed to thrive for about a month when suddenly the leaves began to turn yellow and fall off. Where it sits, it gets full sun most of the afternoon, but is protected from wind and rain. I water it when the soil appears dry and prune the runners weekly. It is staked and did have a bloom when I purchased it.
You may have cooked it's roots in the pot. Hot sun. Is the Japanese Wisteria the one that can climb to great heights but can also be trained into a tree shape??? I am just wondering why you constantly prune the runners???? http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/55391/index.html Liz
I prune the runners to contain it, as it is growing in a pot, and didn't want it to grow up the side of the porch. From my research, it appeared that the Wisteria grows well in containers. Now I'm wondering if I should find a spot in the yard. If I did, in fact, cook the roots is is salvagable? I've never grown a Wisteria before, so I'm a little unsure how to go about it.
No I think you can still do the pot thing and grow it into a tree or large plant but it is not necissary to prune the runners all the time. Let it do its thing. Give it a summer hair cut to control it and then prune it back to the main branches you want to keep the ones with the flower spurs on it. I am about to prune my 40 ft plus wisteria back to its main branches that I tied along guide wires (it is my winter) on my balconies. It acts as summer shade like a flat tree. The first web page has a section on growing one in a pot. I would leave yours alone and just keep it damp with the root area shaded to see if it recovers. If not you may have to start with a new one. http://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profiles0605/wisteria.asp http://www.plantamnesty.org/pruning_topics/pt_wisteria.htm http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1246.html http://www.bluewisteria.co.uk/bluewisteria.html?tools/wisteria_care.html Liz
Thanks, for the advise. I will do as you suggested. I was away for a few days and noticed that there were no new yellow leaves on my return. Because it is on a covered porch, the root area does not get much sun, but maybe I was watering too frequently. I'll keep an eye on it and let you know how I make out.