Wisteria not blooming

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by janepots, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. janepots

    janepots Active Member

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    Lantzville, B.C.
    About 20 years ago our japanese wisteria died back (There was a hole caused by drainage in the ground by the roots) A little shoot from the base of the trunk survived and I had it in a pot for years.. put it in the ground last year and it is growing more now, but no flowers. I checked the way it was climbing and it is clockwise, so is is a japaenese, but a friend told me it could have me grafted onto a non-flowereing wild variety... Is this a common practice..
  2. Lysichiton

    Lysichiton Active Member

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    Fraser Valley, BC.
    Yes. Some Wisterias are grafted when you get them from a commercial supplier. You may well be growing the rootstock. Apart from that, I concluded years ago Wisterias need to be abused - don't fertilize, prune hard and don't water them.

    I would be interested to hear Ron's comments....

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