winter wind burn

Discussion in 'Maples' started by mylesahead, May 16, 2015.

  1. mylesahead

    mylesahead Active Member

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    kingston ma,usa
    our sango kaku suffered a lot of wind burn this past winter we are in the north east and we had the worst winter in many years ,i sprayed it like i do every fall with a product called wilt proof but this spring only about 1/3 of the tree has leaves .there is a lot of gray and black on the buds but no leaves. what can i do to help it bloom? its still spring here and i am hoping it will come back.does it mean that the tree will die?or will it leaf out next year.this tree is very healthy and has been in the ground for 6 years,it was a large tree when we purcheced it and it has grown are some pics from last year.any help will be appreciated thanks

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    Last edited: May 18, 2015
  2. maplesmagpie

    maplesmagpie Active Member

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    Zone 5b, along Lake Michigan in WI
    From what I've read and experienced, Sango kaku is a very weak cultivar when it comes to cold and wind. I've had to give up on it here in 5b/6a.

    I've had other cultivars experience wind burn, and in most cases the tree either sprouted new buds (not everywhere, but in lots of places), or put on new growth for new branches. You should give it a month to see what will sprout. When the summer or fall is less humid, I'd go and trim out what's definitely dead.

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