General: Winter - lavender seedlings & cuttings

Discussion in 'Herbs for the Kitchen' started by Padraigan, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. Padraigan

    Padraigan Active Member

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    Kamloops B.C. Canada
    So it is now Fall and I managed to find lots of Lavender seedlings around my Lavender plant. They are doing wonderfully in their little pots. I have already had to transplant a few of them because they grew so fast.

    What should I do with them for the winter? Should I set the little pots in a protected area in the garden and cover them with leaves ? It gets pretty cold here in the winter.

    Also, I started some plants from cuttings. What should I do with them for the winter? I am not sure if they even have roots yet although it's been a month or so since I potted them.

    Thank you !

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