Winter Heliotrope Information

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by demolition_dot, Jan 11, 2006.

  1. demolition_dot

    demolition_dot Member

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    Northern Ireland, UK
    Hi, I'm currently doing my dissertation on the effects of the winter heliotrope (petasites fragrans) on the native plant population and I'm having a bit of trouble actually finding information on it. I know it's a rhizomous perennial and all that kind of basic stuff. I'm more interested in how exactly does it reproduce and spread? Is it only through rhizomes or does it use insect pollination of any means? Also apart from using chemicals are there any methods which may be more environmentally friendly to keep it in check, such as enemy plants or natural deterrents? Any help that can be provided is much appreciated, even if its just a pointer to a book or a website that might help.
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Hey demolition_dot,

    This was a plant I was not aware of. It is mentioned on many websites, but I found no info on pollination. Obviously it spreads by rhizomes.

    RHS states that it can spread a metre per year and is difficult to dig out:

    This site:
    states that the plant is dioecious and only male flowers are found in Britain. Not sure if that is true, but it is possible that only male flowering plants were brought in because they were considered more desirable for ornamental purposes.

    Would love to hear more about your research.

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