That's just the flower buds - it'll be months yet before any seeds are mature (and yours might be a male plant too, in which case you'll only get pollen from it, not seeds - even that is too early to tell yet)
Ocito, I've posted a reply on another thread that may interest you with identifying your palm. Cheers, LPN.
Hi, this is my first time on this site, and I came on to ask the same question It looks like I have a female, but may be to early to tell, I would really like to germinate the seeds, and grow some little palms, but is this even possible. If any one has time, can you please post detailed step wise instructions on what to do, when, and how? Thanks so much!
doodaaloo, If you do find yourself with a female Windmill palm, you need a close neighboring male for pollonation. If not, no seed. If so, the seed will set through Spring & Summer on the female on the clusters that emerged earlier. Seed is usually ripe by February the following year. Harvest the seed and bag them in damp poting mix in zip-lock bags (room temp 68f -72f). Pot them on (root side down) once they grow an inch or two. Cheers, LPN.
Thanks a lot! I have two beautiful palms, and only one has the flower pod, it is light in colour, does that mean male only. Oh well, Thanks
It's much easier to locate a male palm and collect pollen. Make sure the female flowers are fully opened and ready to recieve the pollen.