Windmill Palm fronds yellowing - YIKES

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by hairymary, May 21, 2007.

  1. hairymary

    hairymary Member

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    Eugene, OR USA
    This tree, Hairy Mary, as she is affectionately called... has been planted at our business for 1 1/2 years, in Eugene, OR. She is in full weather, no protection, is probably 15+ feet tall. She is "busy" producing these yellow clusters of "something" and was looking pretty she had made it through the winter, looking green, getting new growth, then she started getting yellow, with brown tips on the fronds. Any ideas? I had been told to give her a dose of weak Miracle Grow (2 caps in 8 gal of water) every couple weeks. It seemed to be doing her well, but what has happened? Yikes, any help can be appreciated.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    If it is a nutrient deficiency - as is likely - maybe you need to take a different approach to fertilization. Sampling soil and having it analyzed (try Cooperative Extension) a good place to start.

    The yellow things are flowers. Windmill palms are unisexual, as we are. If Mary doesn't ever follow these flowers up with fruits (those from date palms are called "dates"), then she either doesn't have a boyfriend nearby (dates, you say?) or Hairy Mary is a Harry.
  3. hairymary

    hairymary Member

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    Eugene, OR USA
    Thanks Ron B. She had these "flowers" when she came to live with us, the guy that planted her brought them with her, said he didn't know what to do with them, so we threw them in the hole with her. He commented, that if they were to ever sprout, it would be these, as she had been around many other palms. Where she is now, she is the one and only. I've never seen any "fruit". She was a Christmas present for my husband, so Mary/Merry whatever, seemed appropriate, then the guy mentioned not trimming off the "hair" as that would help protect her in the winter. Thus Hairy Mary! Now, what a shock, that we may be looking at Hairy Harry. Oh well, we love it, either way. Thanks for your input... think I'll check this website I purchased some spikes from specifically for palms. Ooops, just fell asleep. Once again, thanks for your help.

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