Hello all, I purchased a climbing Joseph's Coat rose from a local nursery about a month ago, and planted it the next day. When planted, the rose had several buds on it (at least 5 or 6). They all opened, but I missed most of it because I was on vacation. When I returned from vacation, the petals had all dropped, so I deadheaded the plant. That was almost a week ago, and I can't see any activity yet -- no other buds and seemingly no new growth. The plant otherwise is healthy, with lots of deep green leaves. I think it has had enough water. I live in Zone 5-6 (western New York) and we just had a typical hard summer rain. Will my rose bloom again soon? It is supposed to be a constant bloomer but like I said it seems to be in a state of suspended animation! :-) I've attached two photos taken this evening just before sunset. Thank you for any help and info!!
Thanks, I guess I'll just keep an eye on it for a while. It does look healthy (I guess) and it gets a lot of sun.
You have to have patience with most climbing roses. You will likely see more blooms in the spring flush next year, and perhaps some rebloom. But it often takes 3-5 years for a full spring display and good rebloom. But with Joseph's Coat, the wait is well worth it.
Hi all, Well, it's been approx. 6 weeks since the first bloom of my Joseph's Coat, and it is indeed re-blooming. It has one bloom on it now and about 7-8 more buds. Just thought I'd post a follow up for anyone who might have been interested. I'll try to remember to post a picture or two once a few more of the buds open.
I've had mine for at least 10 years now- it starter blooming - literally ..no after 1 year.... Its 15' high and it blooms from end of May till the frost .... extremelly easy rose to care for....its against a south facing wall ( of the house ) so its very warm. Just give it time and you will certainly be rewarded...