I have a problem with what I refer to as wild violets. The plant looks similar to the african violet but isn't fuzzy. This stuff is taking over my yard and flower beds. We tried to use a spray weed killer on it but only killed my lilly and camilla bush instead. I have pulled them up and dug them out but they keep coming back. Does anyone know how to kill this stuff.
You have to keep on top of it and of course don't let it flower. It arrived in my yard and taught me a good lesson never trust any plant that just shows up in your yard. I thought I could keep a few around in one spot in the front yard a big mistake. When weeding pull all the root out and be careful not to spread the seeds around when doing this. You could dig the infested area out and resoil or cover with a 2-3" mulch and take out the surviours one by one. If weeding does not work and this could take a while you might have to resort to a herbicide but if your nieghbours have it good luck.
Thanks. I guess I will start weeding and digging while it is winter and maybe that will help come Spring when these things will take off again.
Broadleaf herbicides work well but you need to control overspray. It is easy to selectively apply if you use a sprayer with a wand. You would have to reapply. Send the violet corms my way. I love the little flowers.
It is not a good idea to spray herbicides any where near the plants you want to keep. In your flower beds, mulch may help. Smother the little devils in organic matter (such as wood chips, cypress, or pine bark). When a weed pops up throw mulch on it. When I lived in Indiana they used to take the leaves from the city trash pickup, grind them up, and give them away every spring. The stuff was great! A good soil builder. P.S. when you use a lot of decomposing material it is a good idea to add a little nitrogen. When organic matter decomposes it will make the soil nitrogen deficient.