Yes, certainly a Penstemon, but which . . . ? From what I can tell, there are at least 6 Penstemons found near Crater Lake - Penstemon rupicola, P. davidsonii, P. cinicola, P. procerus, P. speciosus and P. azureus (plus some hybrids). Penstemon rupicola and Penstemon davidsonii seem to be the most common and, since P. rupicola is very pink, I would put my money on P. davidsonii - but that doesn't qualify as proper botanical identification does it? Nadia - you must be enjoying some of the hundreds of gorgeous native plants found near Crater Lake - truly one of the beauty spots of the world. Wildflowers of Crater Lake National Park
Yes, flowers are beautiful. I used this site for ID. I have plenty pictures of Penstemon davidsonii, these look different to me. Anyway, Penstemon it is. Thank you.