Why is my dragon tree a little sad

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by rookiehours, Feb 11, 2020.

  1. rookiehours

    rookiehours New Member

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    I've had this Dracaena marginata for a month (ish), and I've recently noticed this browning and wilting on the leaves of one of three plants. There are three plants in a 6" pot, and only one seems negatively affected by something. The other two plants have healthy new growth that's keeping me hopeful, but I don't want them to get hurt by whatever it is that's bothering the third one.

    I can't see any insects that might be colonizing the plant. There's some brown dust (?) at the node. I haven't repotted it, transplanted it, or fertilized it. It's also been in the same location since I bought it. It's in the kitchen for an added bit of humidity. It gets little to moderate light indoors (but winter has been so brutal). I don't water it often; I think I've watered it around 8-10 days ago. It seems due for a little watering, but this wilting makes me nervous to do so (because what if this is all due to overwatering somehow?)

    Here are the pictures!

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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2020
  2. Margot

    Margot Renowned Contributor 10 Years

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    Nanoose Bay, BC Canada
    Overall, the 3 stems look very healthy and it sounds like the care you are giving is perfect. It might need more light going forward but lack of light wouldn't explain the dead leaves you see. Is the pot draining thoroughly after watering?

    My thought is that the growing point of the problem stem has been damaged - it could easily have happened before you bought it and has shown up since. Before looking seriously at other causes, I would cut off the top of that stem at least 2 inches below the damaged area and see how it responds.

    New growth won't grow straight as before and you may well see more than one bud emerge but that's the charm of this species . . . older specimens often sport many side stems at various heights along the main one.
  3. rookiehours

    rookiehours New Member

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    Thank you so much for your reply! The pot drains pretty well, and I just got some distilled water to better care for it too. I'll try your suggestion of cutting that part off and hopefully it grows healthier in the future. Thank you!

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