I did more damage preparing for a frost than the frost did! I was pulling on the pot instead of pushing. I just planted this Redwing last year and was surprised to see how much the roots had already grown.
Good evening @Doogie and welcome to the Maples forum. Is that Red Wine? Rather than Redwing... typo ? These pots of that shape are so prone to this, especially when trying to do a repot. Straight sides are always best to allow for safe removal. But as you say Whoops! Lesson learnt!!?
Haha, sorry for you. I was bringing all my bonsais and maples into the green house today and i lifted a pine with my hand thinking that ill carry both tree and pot but...he came out of the pot. I always attach all my repotted bonsais with wire to the pots...and this one was an exception as he was on a training pot. I got really surprised...then mad...lol
Good morning, you are more than likely right. Red Wine is very popular over here in tbe garden centres, hence my thoughts, but Red Wing does have the red tips on 7 lobed green leaves. Will be interested to see the new pot you are going to place it in now. Do consider NOT replacing the broken pot belly pot with like for like. They are awful for re potting and are invariably broken every time.
Sorry! Looks like a nice pot and arrangement too. There is an A. shirasawanum 'Red wing', I'm guessing that's it. Also A. palmatum 'Red Wing', a van der Maat introduction, but I don't think it's often seen, and don't know if it's introduced in the US. There's even an A. tataricum 'Red Wing', which is IMHO pretty silly as many of them have red samaras anyway. I remember being annoyed when I first saw this offered for sale somewhere! :)
The arrangement is all my wife!I do the maples, conifers, grasses hostas. It all came out in one piece. I used Gorilla Construction adhesive. Popped it back in. The pot was half the cost of the tree. I’ll let you guys know of any ill effects to the tree. Didn’t have the time to repot. So what do you think the tree is?
Glad you got it repaired, you should have no ill effects on your maple. As long as the exposed roots didn't dry out. Regarding the name, at this time of the year, as the greens start to leaf out it is very difficult to ID. Is it a test , do you know ??