Looks to me like a phoenix reclinata bough with a date palm trunk!! Lived in Florida for thirty years and have never seen anything like it: http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/4705/video600m00s.jpg Thank you!
Thank you for replying. No fruit. Definitely a reclinata frond. Rigid, with sharp tips of each leaf (spike.) I have a sixty second video that I could email you showing about six of these beauties in some guy's yard. I hate the thought of having to go to his door to ask him but will probably do so if I can't get it identified. Thanks again for your time. john
OK, Compare to this one, which is species canariensis. I've been cut by fronds of canariensis before, as well as by reticulata - very pointy, they are; these may be an interspecific hybrid of canariensis and reclinata. Ideally though, you should just go up to the guy and ask him what they are! I seldom have that opportunity here, it's really a luxury.
I'm not much of an officionada but in person it doesn't resemble any Canary Island Date Palm that I've seen and there are thousands of them around here. The individual spikes have no give to them at all. Razor sharp on the leaf sides but especially sharp on the tips. I have (what I call a p. reclinata) (spelling off I'm sure) and the fronds are identical to the those. You're right though. I'll sheepishly go to his door and beg him to tell me what they are and where he got them. I have the strangest feeling that, when I DO find them they are going to be prohibitively expensive. :( Thanks again for your valued time.
Or when you go to do your grovelling, ask politely after seeds. If he has six, chances are at least one of them is female.
LOL!!! I'm not young enough to wait for seeds to develop into what you saw in the picture!! My wife is hounding me to find her one of these palms and I will probably end up spending the prohibitive amount to keep her happy. Hey, I haven't stayed married for 40 years by bringing home seeds when she wants a tree. :)) Again, thanks for all your input. This is a very helpful site. john
Does the PR have dagger like frond spikes? To the touch these feel exactly like Reclinata spikes. I thought PSylvestri had pliable spikes. Anyways, if you have maybe a business email I could send you a sixty second video showing many of these palms in a distant neighbor's yard. Thanks for your reply. john