Good afternoon folks This mushroom or set of mushrooms are growing through a new planter bed in between sword ferns. But generally through hemlock fir bark mulch. They were in a cluster of about 10-15. No ring on stipe but a basic bulge at the stipe growing media The spore print is white sorry no photo of that Would someone be able to help Identify
Hi @pierrot So far I'm thinking Melanoleuca verrucipes despite a few character differences. Can you confirm that the stipe has dark "scabers" rather than this being dirt clinging to a rough surface?
Thanks :-) And yes I think the cap surface cracking is a function of conditions ... or perhaps cap surface for M. verrucipes is more variable than I know :-)
thank you Frog I was being fooled by the variation in the cap surface. it may be due to the original samples being close to hot concrete