My biggest holly bush has several groups of 1/4" to 1/2" white ?insects. Where these are located, the bushes have dropped leaves. Do you have any idea what it is and how to treat it?
Holly Looking for help with a large holly bush. What ?insects 1/4 to 1/2 inch long. Don't seem to be moving, losing leaves. HELP
Hello jmsmbr, (I merged your two posts and moved them here to the IPM forum.) I am not the best with pest ID and I think for most, more info may be necessary. We will see if someone who knows bugs and/or holly knows better. Insecticidal soaps are generally safe for plants (should be for a holly) and are effective against a lot of insects. I would try that while trying to get a better ID on the bugs. Now that you are registered to the forums, you can add pictures of your holly and the bugs.
Hi Holly, Is the white material like waxy cotton candy (suggests colony of mealybugs), or is it like spittle (excreted by spittlebugs for protection)? The former can secrete substances in their saliva toxic to plants; the latter is generally harmless. Hugh