Hi, I have a large pine tree (White Pine?) growing in my back yard. I discovered recently a white fungus growing on the underside on many of the lower branches. There is some also on the trunk. I've attached two photos. The first is from a distance, the second, a rather fuzzy closeup, that I hope illustrates the rather clumpy nature of the fungus. Obviously a concern would be something like White Pine Blister Rust. From the limited photos I have seen, the colour and morphology look different. The tree otherwise looks healthy. I am in Connecticut, and we had an unusually wet Spring and early Summer. Appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks.
Actually an insect! Pine Bark Adelgid Pineus strobi. http://www.forestpests.org/vermont/pinebarkadelgid.html http://www.forestpests.org/subject.html?SUB=332