Hedges: white cedar trees

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by normalee, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. normalee

    normalee Member

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    elmsdale, nova scotia, canada
    we planted a 40 ft hedge five years ago. this past winter is has really browned and looks like it is dying in the middle. We have watered it well before winter frost and have fertilized with the evergree sticks but it still seems to be dying and is very sparse. It was a landscapers dream hedge for the first five years and we dont know what to do now. It is approx. 5 ft tall. can anyone help? can it be mites or insects of some kind. thank you
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Yes: You need to find out if it is bugs, blight or other mishap before improvement is possible. Nobody here will know which with the information provided. Close-up pictures would have to be posted and even then it may not be possible to figure it out. If you have a trusted independent garden center available to you or other local source of plant problem diagnosis (if you were down here I would suggest your state Cooperative Extension Service) try taking representative samples of affected parts to them.

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