Bought this plant in northern Illinois - at a Home Depot or Lowe's. I have no idea what it is. I've asked several people.
I don't know but if you purchased it at one of those big box stores then it is most likely contaminated with neonicotinoid pesticides which are harmful to pollinator species. If you can afford to test the plant at a local university (or something), then you should do as such. I do not recommend exposing pollinators to this plant until you know if it is safe for them or not. There is even a deceptive practice by these stores that are labeling these neonic-coated seeds and plants as "Safe for Bees/etc" (in reference that it is a flower that bees like) but not warning of the toxic chemicals that are NOT safe for them. Please be careful, to be safe I would keep it as an inside plant if you don't or cannot get it tested or sourced by the place of purchase.