Which Magnolia

Discussion in 'Magnoliaceae' started by Quincys Slave, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. Quincys Slave

    Quincys Slave Active Member

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    Ladner BC
    I am looking at these magnolia's, which one would be best. I have a sunny south facing lot that does get quite a bit of wind

    Galaxy, Betty, Atlas, Vulcan or any other suggestions? I would like a pink flower

    I also have 2 evergreen DD Blanshard magnolia's that I am going to replace. If anyone wants them, they can be picked up in S Delta. I've had them for 2 years but did move them last year.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    None will like wind. Try to plant some shelter. An evergreen backdrop also makes them show up better. For a pink flower a silvery or bluish foliage would be striking.

    'Galaxy' is being planted rather often down here now. Should become more showy in time than 'Betty', less apt to be torn by gales than an oversize flower like 'Atlas', and color up better in a cool climate than 'Vulcan'. I have seen a few 'Vulcan' here that were red.

    And I have seen a few that I planted myself that weren't, including one in my own garden which has never been red after some years of flowering.

    Same problem with it they have had in England.


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