I am wondering if someone could tell me which apple tree is most pollination compatible with "September Ruby". These are my other options right now. Carroll, Hardi Mac, Red Sparkle. We do not live close to neighbours with apple trees. I had bought some apple trees and after 6yrs of waiting my goats got to them and ate them, which was probably a good thing so that I can start again. Thanks in advance! I am in the mid north (zone 2) so am looking to plant two trees tomorrow in anticipation for the long winter, maybe.
I haven't seen any specific pollinators mentioned for this variety; so probably any other variety that blooms at the same time would work.
Thank you! Do both apple trees need to bloom at the same time for pollination to occur? I have the option of a Carroll tree for pollination. It ripens early to mid September. September Ruby ripens September to early October. Would these apple trees be a good match for me? thanks! Sarah
Okay can someone tell me if the September Ruby and Carroll overlap? I can get a Hardi Mac too. Or I can get a crab apple to go with the September Ruby. Thanks.
Doesn't even have to be white crab. I don't see any reason that any of hte rosyblooms (red leaf crabs, with pale pink to shocking fuschia coloured blooms) Siberian crab is almost impossible to kill. Starlite is sib. selection chosen for LOTS of flowers. Some of the ornamentals, like emerald spire don't take up much room. Dolgo is a good zone 2 eating crab. Kerr applecrab is a small fruit apple (about pool ball size. It's my favorite. Crisp, bursting with flavour, but not hard. Good keeper.
Sorry for the late response! I have both Carroll and September Ruby and they bloom almost at the same time, about 2-3 days apart.
Looking at your climate zone, I'm going to give you an alternative suggestion: Yellow Transparent. No, it doesn't keep worth a darn, but it ripens really early (meaning it needs a short growing season) and it was one of 4 varieties brought over from Russia because of its cold hardiness (along with Leiveland Raspberry, which ripens even earlier but isn't good for anything except eating). It is group 2 (September Ruby is 3) so it should be compatible. It's great for pies and sauce, and a nice eater, but only while it is still tart, and unless you are thinking of a crab for the birds, is an alternative. Not every apple has to be a new cv. On the other hand, I have no idea how it would grow on Antonovka.