I just bought a peegee hydrangea tree (paniculata "grandiflora"), and was wondering where the best location would be for me to plant it. I have 2 choices, one on the west side of building where it gets blazing full sun near brick building (which really heats things up), or north-east side where it gets sun/part shade. Both area's can get windy, can it handle that? Thanks for any info!
I have them in both shade and full sun. They seem to do well in both areas. I don't know how hot you get in summer. We can be 40+C but usually temperate. However I do have deep rich soil so their roots can get well down to water even tho we are in drought conditions. Some plant conditions on these web pages. http://springhillnursery.com/product.asp?pn=20701&bhcd2=1243600562 http://www.floridata.com/ref/H/hydr_pan.cfm Liz
Sand is not bad but needs lots of humus to make great soil. Also water is a bit harder to keep up to plants. Mulching is a given. Our market gardens are on old sand dune soil south of us and they are very productive. Liz