I would like to get a Julie mango but cannot find anyone in the Toronto, Ontario, Canada area that carries them. There is a place in Quebec (Flora Exotica) but he doesn't carry the Julie's. If anyone know of a place (preferably in the GTA area, if not anywhere in Canada) that carries them, please let me know. Greatly appreciate your assistance. Robert
Did you ask Perry the owner of Flora exotica? Sometimes he can order it for you when places his orders in Florida.
Hi Hazboom: I did check with Perry of Flora Exotica. He basically said "...it has a problem with fungus when humidity is high. Our supplier in Florida nolonger grows this variety." I thought of having it shipped to a friend in Buffalo and then driving over to pick up but I am not sure how easy it would be to bring back over the border. I have heard of many different opinions as to whether Canada Customs will allow it over. If anyone has done this before, I would like to know how it went and if it can be done. Tks. Robert
Flora deals with Pine Island Nursery in Florida and I dont believe they carry the Julie Mango anymore. You can definately order Fruit trees into canada but the seller has to give you a phytosanitary certificate. Thats how I got my 48-26 Atemoya tree from Pine Island shipped to Toronto had to pay an additional $50 i believe for the certificate.
Hi nelson20vn: Yes Pine Island Nursery does not carry the Julie mango anymore. Their website states what Flora Exotica also indicated - problem with fungus for this variety. I will have to check some other places that do carry Julie mangoes and are willing to ship to Canada. I have checked Edible Lanscaping (http://www.eat-it.com/) but they did not want to ship to Canada because of too many requirements. Tks. for your assistace.
U397 check with http://plantogram.com/Mango.html I know they sell Julie Mango's and ship worldwide they are also in Florida.
Thank-you everyone for all your suggestions. I work in downtown Toronto and can get to both locations (Lawrence-Weston Rds & Kensington Market). I do prefer to get a grafted Julie so that it will bear true. Nelson20vt: Do you have any experience/opinion with Plant-o-Gram? I checked: http://davesgarden.com/products/gwd/ but there are no info/reviews on them. Also I checked their website and maybe I missed it but do they look after getting all the documents (phytosanitary certificate) for shipping to Canada? Again Thanks everyone for all your help. I now have many more options on how to get this Julie mango tree. Robert
U397 I have not dealt with plantogram personally but I did email them a couple months back about getting a Mango tree and they told me they would ship to Canada I didnt ask them if they supplied the Certificate.