Hi I will be starting a vegetable garden for the first time and I was wondering where I would go in the Lower Mainland area to buy seed packets that are recommended, as I just bought some from Canadian Tire and thought that probably wasn't the best idea nd how do I know if they are dead seeds? Thanks
Any plant store should do; I have always liked the selection at Mandeville - it has been bought out by Gardenworks and may or may not still be named Mandeville - in Burnaby just a bit north of Marine Drive and about 2 blocks east of Boundary Road.
You won't know that the seeds are dead until you plant them and nothing comes up. This goes for big deluxe greenhouses as well, not just Crappy Tire and Mall-Wart.
Lupe1046, Try West Coast Seeds; they have a large variety of Organic Vegetable Seeds that are well suited to the West Coast. You can find them in some stores, but it is easiest just to order online: www.westcoastseeds.com They are a reliable company with an amazing selection and reasonable prices. I put in a large order with them this Spring, and we have ordered from them for years. They also have growing instructions on their website and the planting directions are tailored to the West Coast as well. You can also order vegetable seeds online from Thompson & Morgan and Veseys. Most of the seeds that you find in any garden centre will do just fine though; it just depends on what you are looking for. I wouldn't worry about the seeds that you bought being 'dead', if you just bought them, chances are they are just fine. The only way to tell for sure is to closely follow the sowing directions on the packet, and wait and see. Get your seeds started soon! Spring is here. If you are starting your seeds indoors, be sure to have a bright source of light available to them once they have sprouted (a full spectrum fluorescent light or a south facing windowsill). Also, if you don't already have a compost going, get one started; it is the best source of nutrients for your veggie garden. If you have any other questions about Vegetable Gardening, just ask! There are lots of us here to share our experience. Good luck in your seed search,
I was going to suggest west coast seeds too! i would also suggest seed savers exchange http://www.seedsavers.org/ they do a lot of heirloom seed saving - you can order online. Van dusen garden also sells seeds that they collect from the gardens (I think).
Terra Edibles in Ontario has a great selection of heirloom tomatoes as well as some other veg http://www.terraedibles.ca/